通過舉辦摔跤計分賽2024,推廣這項運動、提供競技平台、培養新人、加強交流並提升比賽品 質。我們希望這個公開賽中能夠激發公眾對於摔跤運動的興趣,並為選手們提供一個展現他們技巧和才華的舞台,同時促進摔跤運動在香港的發展和國際交流。
By organizing the Wrestling Ranking 2024, we promote the sport, provide a competitive platform, cultivate new talents, strengthen communication and improve the quality of competitions. We hope that this competition will stimulate public interest in wrestling and provide a stage for players to showcase their skills and talents, while also promoting the development and international exchange of wrestling in Hong Kong.
*The results of this competition will be used as one of the selection criteria for annual participation in international and mainland competitions.
⽇期 Date:逢每⽉第⼀個星期⽇ First Sunday in every month.
【報名辦法 Enrollment】
報名費 每項 $300
截止日期 比賽十天前截止報名
Registration fee:Each competition $300
Deadline:10 days before the match will be the registration deadline.